Sunday, 23 June 2013

60 million and counting

A report titled, 'Women and Web study' has been released by Google India last week. The data for this study has been compiled from 2 sources. One, search query data for top women oriented search categories in India. Two, an independent online research conducted by TNS Australia covering over a thousand woman with access to internet in India.    

According to the report, of the 150 million internet users, about 40% or 60 million are women.

24 million said they logged in every day. With easy access both from home, office and on the go, women are increasingly turning to the web to manage their daily life and take more informed decisions.

  • 3 out of every 4 women in SEC AB  
  • 75% are in the age group of 15 to 34 years  

Email, search and social networking top the list followed by music download, educational content, job search, videos and news.

The study revealed the growing importance of the medium on women's purchase decision. 50% of the respondents claimed that the internet influenced their purchase decision. 

Apparels and accessories are most searched categories, followed by food and drinks, skincare (72%) baby care (69%)  and  hair care (65%) 

The report revealed that of the 10 million online shoppers, 5 million are women. 

Online advocates

According to the study, women are strong brand advocates. 80% women say that they have recommended their purchase to others while 25% state that they share purchase recommendations online. 

Device of choice

Search queries from mobiles are increasing rapidly. Google claims that 25% of the query volume in the most searched categories now come from mobiles. 

In another indicator of the growing clout of Indian women online, BlackBerry India has announced that 55% of its customers are women.

Media of choice 

Video on the web is emerging as one of the key drivers of internet usage among women in India. Women account for 40% of the total monthly YouTube user base in India. Apart from music videos, TV shows and film content, women are also watching beauty and fashion related videos. Education, health and fitness, home care and cooking were also rated among the top 10 categories of choice.