This week, popular fashion website Myntra announced that they are downing the shutters on their desktop website and moving to an app only strategy. Backed by numbers (85% of all users come to the site via the app; 63% purchases are app based. Source: NDTV Gadget) the strategy looks sound. But I have been hearing murmurs of discontentment among the avid young online shoppers in my organisation. They say they will miss the 'big screen' shopping experience. This made me pause a bit and think. If I was a decision maker at Myntra, what would I do?
Finally I got my answer. I would do the same if I was Myntra but not if I was a head of a start up operation offering exactly the same service. Reason?
For a start up operation or a new online brand, three key decision parameters would be:
1. SEO and SEM
Success of a new brand depends on being searchable and optimisable.
2. Lead Generation and Conversion
Till the brand has a regular customer base, undoubtedly an important point of consideration
3. Cost Optimisation
Most start ups don't have billions of dollars of seed funding. Cost does play a key role in all decisions.
Keeping these 3 factors in mind, I would perhaps opt for a website based or at best a mobile website based site.
However, Myntra is an epic success. It has overcome all 3 of the concerns stated above. As they move to their next level of strategy, I would imagine their objective would now be :
1. Customer retention and Loyalty
The most coveted piece of real estate today is the mobile screen. With a strong brand connect, the Myntra app is definite going to earn itself a piece of that real estate. This assures 'front of mind' visibility leading to meeting this objective.
2. A clutter free 'shopping window' experience
Inherent nature of app designs allow for a more focused, less cluttered shopping experience.
3. Increase duration of visit
All mobile usage data underlines that consumers tend to spend more time on apps than on website or a mobile site. More time would translate to more items in the shopping cart, perhaps?
I feel going 'app only' makes perfect sense. Good luck Myntra. I hope its the beginning of yet another great journey. Where your customers are concerned, they are loyal. They will always miss 'what was' but its just a matter of time. They will soon click on the app to buy the next black dress. No worries.
Finally I got my answer. I would do the same if I was Myntra but not if I was a head of a start up operation offering exactly the same service. Reason?
For a start up operation or a new online brand, three key decision parameters would be:
1. SEO and SEM
Success of a new brand depends on being searchable and optimisable.
2. Lead Generation and Conversion
Till the brand has a regular customer base, undoubtedly an important point of consideration
3. Cost Optimisation
Most start ups don't have billions of dollars of seed funding. Cost does play a key role in all decisions.
Keeping these 3 factors in mind, I would perhaps opt for a website based or at best a mobile website based site.
However, Myntra is an epic success. It has overcome all 3 of the concerns stated above. As they move to their next level of strategy, I would imagine their objective would now be :
1. Customer retention and Loyalty
The most coveted piece of real estate today is the mobile screen. With a strong brand connect, the Myntra app is definite going to earn itself a piece of that real estate. This assures 'front of mind' visibility leading to meeting this objective.
2. A clutter free 'shopping window' experience
Inherent nature of app designs allow for a more focused, less cluttered shopping experience.
3. Increase duration of visit
All mobile usage data underlines that consumers tend to spend more time on apps than on website or a mobile site. More time would translate to more items in the shopping cart, perhaps?
I feel going 'app only' makes perfect sense. Good luck Myntra. I hope its the beginning of yet another great journey. Where your customers are concerned, they are loyal. They will always miss 'what was' but its just a matter of time. They will soon click on the app to buy the next black dress. No worries.
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